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How can swede hollow park be even better?

please take 10 minutes to help make swede hollow better-take a short survey

thank you!



The purpose of this survey is to help direct potential efforts taken by myself as a community organizer through the "Viewfinder" project with the 880 City Champions Fellowship.  I also hope this survey can be used as one of many documents to help guide and advocate for potential future improvements to Swede Hollow Park by myself, other groups and the City of St. Paul.  The information gathered can be used in future community led design efforts by telling a story about how the park is currently used, by whom, what folks like and don't like, and help focus suggestions for potential improvements.  I will publish the survey results this summer 2016.


While at this time there are no planned improvements that I am aware of directly within Swede Hollow Park by St. Paul Parks , several key housing developments nearby have included improving access to the park in their plans.  These are:


  • Development plans for a housing community at Bush/Payne that incorporates switch back access into Swede Hollow proposed by East Side Neighborhood Development Company.  



  • The Railroad Island Task Force and District Five Planning Council have adopted an area plan that discusses improvements to the park. 


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